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crissindahouse said:
man and that to someone from japan straight in his face? they are always so respectful to you if you talk with someone from japan and this guy wasn't able to say him this a little bit more respectful? what a prick!
i believe he's a huge nerd who doesn't understand the difference between "those games suck" on the internet or straight in the face to someone in real life exactly from there living exactly from this.

i think as well that japanese games aren't as good as they were 10 years ago but i think the same about most western games nowadays compared to their predecessor. sure new technique helps to make better graphics and blabla but if it comes to simplification nowadays even in games for "core" gamers i could cry.

Is there any need for a moral analysis? Who gives a fuck from that perspective. This is a gaming site and I hardly think the developer needed to see a councillor after receiving his answer - which he asked for. Regardless or rights and wrongs, Fish was speaking the truth as he saw it, and you know what, as I just said, it's that "respect" culture that causes so many problems for them in modern times. Their economy is down the toilet, in part thanks to it.

I've met plenty of Japanese people, and on a personal level they aren't especially respectful except in business. They do have a certain charm and restrained aura about them but they aren't stupid and can quite easily stand up for themselves.

Your post is simply a stereotype painting the picture of Japanese people as unable to cope with Western peopleideascritisism style. Sorry but that is more insulting and ignorant than anything.