happydolphin said:
So true, you need to count commission twice in trading! 1% is a good compromise then, hey? Sadly, I am charged 20$ per transaction so my trade commission is actually 40$ total... >:E @spurge Hey man, chill. Apart from what Ail said, the trends were similar in DS Y1, released Fall 2004. Look at the trend, it only starts ramping up in Fall 2005. That was once: 1) DS had already a full year in market (we're not there yet with 3DS), and the Wii was 1 year from launch (well, we're there about now). 2) The Nikkei had started going up in Mid 2003, stayed flat and spiked up again in Mid 2005. This must have kick-started Nintendo's stock. Then, NTDOY's curve started really ramping up mid-2006 onward. This is mostly due to explosive DS sales, and maintained and spiked later in 2007 thanks to Wii boom. Bottom line: Hang in there, we're not in the roller coaster just yet. It's coming soon if 3DS can pull off explosive SW sales like the DS could (hopefully 2D mario 3DS), and WiiU can also pull off a Wii Sports-like appeal (maybe half of it is my prediction). All in all the curves should be good. Expect high competition from mobile/social/tablets against Nintendo's bread and butter casual offerings though (Nintendogs, Brain Age). Time will tell, but I expect very subdued 3DS SW sales as compared to DS, and about half the performance of Wii Sports SW for WiiU's interactive experiences. It should go up, but not right now. Once WiiU launches it will certainly go up due to WiiU's interactive appeal. |
1% or less seems like a good compromise. If you're going to have 2-3% or more costs on your transactions, you might as well buy mutual funds with 1% expense and let a professional manage the money...
Not that I do better than professionals ( and my 401k is strictly mutual funds anyway) but I like the thrill of managing some of the money myself...