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happydolphin said:
Ail said:
Looks like another down day.
At least it looks like I will handily beat the S&P today, as I'm only down 0.65% or so while it is down 1.3%.

Well on the positive side I grabbed more Bank of America this morning... (grabbing them by small chunks, my experience has taught me that I feel better afterward doing it that way than grabbing huge positions in one time, and each chunk is big enough anyway that the trade commission still represents very little , My commission is 7.95$ /trade and I've been buying 250-300 BAC stocks each time).

I was just thinking about that. You have a good deal I pay 20$ for my commission (will pay, when I start my investments). Is that through a special deal with your broker?

"I scratch your back you scratch mine" kinda thing?

Nah Fidelity offers 7.95$/trade for everyone with no minimum number of trade required...

Typically at that price I try to do minimum trades of 2000$ so that the trade comission stays under 1% for buy + selll ( which would be 15.90$).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !