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It's quite interesting and fun to read everyone's thoughts. I was born in Bombay (Mumbai) but was raised in Belgium and the US, but I do visit India quite frequently and identify myself as being Indian. Mind you, I still feel like an outsider every time I visit, especially when I open my mouth and my American accent comes flopping out!

It's a lovely place though, full of culture and people with actual values, which is becoming increasingly rare in this day and age. Yes a lot of them are quite backwards in their beliefs which does lead to problems like misogyny, tolerance, corruption, etc. However, considering most of them receive no education whatsoever, I think for the most part Indians are quite friendly and open. Especially when you think of countries like France and the UK which are stereotypically known as being quite humorless and devoid of warmth.

True India has a lot of problems, but it's got a population of 1 billion plus, many that need to be educated. And it's a democracy, so no heavy-handed rule like in China. I'm sure that in a few decades we will see a decrease in a lot of the negatives associated with the country, and hopefully some more wealth sharing and less propaganda.

Also, to the (surprisingly) few idiotic comments being made regarding religion and castes: the country is a BIG melting pot, and it is quite accepting of differences, so look to your own supposed 'developed' nations and pick at it's flaws before delineating an entire nation. Neither America nor the UK are ideal benchmarks when it comes to tolerance and changing the status quo, so please don't act like where YOU are from is some god-send. I know many Indians who have taken one look at some of these Western countries and have run screaming back to their homeland. No offense intended to my fellow Americans and Brits :)