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Wow, I had to log in after months just to post, after i waded through this pile of poo.
India is not a dictatorship.We have politically powerful families, not much unlike the Kennedys, but the people have every right not to vote for them.
Human slavery is , in no way, legal, or widely accepted in india(kind of limited to the rural areas, like sheep shagging in some of the more advanced nations of our world)
India's state of poverty is , in no small way, a by-product of some 200 years of British rule. Its there, but given time, and the money(which the evil corporations make and then pay taxes to the government), should be alleviated. Maybe will take decades, but it will happen.
India has an enormous educated, as well as hungry workforce. telemarketing jobs are just a part of it. I can bet most of the big game studios have a fair amount of indian devs hired.

As for the OP,
I honestly wish you could find a better forum than VGChartz, if you actually wanted a general and well informed opinion about your country.