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ishiki said:
Khuutra said:
SecondWar said:
Anyone heard anything about how you access the bonus content that you unlocked for playing the Kingdoms of Amalur demo? Want to be ready to go once the war catches up with me.

When I finished it, I was made to understand that I would be getting it automatically, since my Live tag is tied to my EA Account. With luck it should just... download on its own? I don't know. Probably an option for it in-game.

It's extremely stupid-looking armor, but the gun should be cool.

you don't have some playthroughs where you make shepard look extremely stupid? 

@someone above.
I getting the feeling from people in this threads there's no hammerhead or hammerhead like thing. That's too bad it was quite a spectacle in overlord. And was way way better than the mako in ME1 imo.

I don't, actually, which is kinda weird.

Also I think there are vehicle sections in ME3. The design team said they took lessons from what worked best about the Mako and the Hammerhead; surely they used those in some way, even if it's just enhanced Hammerhead missions?