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Slightly relevant, but didn't want to make a new thread for it:


343 Industried has started that Halo 4 will deliver the "best looking game" ever on the Xbox360.

Corrinne Yu, the principal engine programmer of Halo 4 and its successors within the new trilogy, said on Twitter when a user asked will the forthcoming shooter be the best looking game on Microsoft's console:

"It's the best looking game on Xbox and any other consoles we ever made and we're all from AAA studios.So proud of team."

Yu also said:

"We are super glad. We all can't wait to share with you what we are crunching so hard on. #halo4"

Furthermore, she carried on to say:

"We really enjoy working on #HALO4.Time flies when coding work is so much fun.Even more fun when we're done".

Halo 4 is due for a release sometime during fall, 2012.
