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happydolphin said:

So just to make sure, 19billion would be what Nintendo's worth atm right?

Ail said:

Standard accepted P/E are around 13-15 so I came up with that earnings numbers by dividing the market cap by 13.

You can find the market cap of most companies on any financial web site, with a grain of salt, most of the info is not up to date for foreign companie with low trade volume in the US..( because to get accurate you have to actually use the stock price on the Nikkei and factor the yen/dollar change)...

Okay, so since total worth = P * V, if you multiply total worth by P/E you get

E (earnings per share) * V (volume) = total earnings.

That's interesting.

Fidelity has Nintendo at 19.1 billion$, CNNMoney at 20.5 billion$...

Fidelity has very bearish rating on Nintendo too...( Star Mine rating of 0.1 , it can't be worse ..). Although to be honest Nintendo is not a company on which they have a lot of coverage due to the low volume of US trade...

I'm not sure I understand what the bold and italics mean.

The bold means they don't have a lot of analysts comment or financial information on Nintendo because even if Nintendo stocks can be purchased on the US stock market, few people do so and the huge majority of Nintendo stock is traded in Japan.

On average 167 000 Nintendo stock change hands per business day in the US.

By comparison 1 329 000 Sony stocks change hands every day in the US. and the stocks price are comparable..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !