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theprof00 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
theprof00 said:

"Vita isn't anything like the Wii. For one, people actually bought the Wii. And it had games. More importantly, it actually was disruptive."


"Vita released to the fanfare of many, and the ire of others.

"There's no room in the market for Vita"

"PS VITA is a gimmick"



Had you going there didn't I?

No this isn't a thread about how the Vita will surely be successful by comparing it to the Wii. I mean, for one, nobody likes the Wii really."



trying to play it cool. Please, I wrote the book on cool. Exit stage left, tail between legs.

You: "See, disruption is the key here."

Me: "Vita isn't disruptive."

fuckin BUSTED ROFFLE!!111

You just proved that you can't read at a 3rd grade level - I directly called you out in my first post and you didn't even realize it. Who's your ghost writer? You couldn't have written this because it implies that you know how to read, and someone that knows how to read wouldn't have set themselves up for a trap like this. Either you can't read or I completely destroyed your points resulting in you pretending to not be able to read my posts. Either one is embarassing for you, shut this thread down and apologize before you further humiliate yourself son.

That paragraph is clearly talking about the wii and ds...

And my original post wasn't even about that paragraph, proving my point. I quoted the paragraph I was responding to for you and you ignored it.

On top of that, Vita isn't in competition with Wii and DS, it's in competition with 3DS (which itself is not disruptive), and the Vita can't be a counterattack as a PSP2. 3DS isn't a new direction for Nintendo, it's an old one. They completely dominated the handheld space up until the PSP arrived (and arguably that got dominated too), do you really think Nintendo isn't used to have the Resident Evils and the Metal Gears on their handhelds? Everything I said in my original post applies to both side of the arguments.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"