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amp316 said:
Two very important things were mentioned in this thread:

1) With the Wii I finally could finally play a game without succumbing to sleep.

2) The PS Vita is not a phone.

It remains to be seen if I can play a game on this thing without falling asleep since I hate handhelds. Also, the Vita not being a phone means that it will be sledding uphill in my opinion. This is why I think that the PS Vita is not the Wii and that your thesis is fundamentally flawed.

My point about vita being like the wii, (which thanks to rol's quote should really be "like the the DS"), is that this console is a very important console for Sony and could determine their long lasting success or their first step into oblivion.

It's really not like the wii in any shape or form, except in the case that this is Sony's really first step into the modern gaming environment. This is a counterattack to mover downstream, and they are going to be butting heads now with iphones as well as the 3ds.

The problem is that it seems like a half-hearted attempt. In their defense, there's not a whole lot they can do short of designing some really strong IPs or making it a phone. I believe we'll see a phone version sometime next year, or at least some kind of attempt to target people outside the gaming environment. To summarize, this is not a strong counterattack against nintendo or phones, and it could put sony in a very tough position if it fails to draw a crowd. ie; it needs more than it has right now.