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Goodwill 10,309 4,760

Just looking at their financial statements (I'm an accountant, sue me), and this line struck me as absolutely hilarious. (1st number is Dec 31, 2nd is June 30)

This is a 5.6 billion dollar (unaudited) increase in Goodwill over 6 months. For those that don't find accounting interesting, this will not be funny to you. For people who are interested in accounting, they will find this absolutely hilarious.

Goodwill - Because everything you pay for has to be an asset!

Anyhow, congrats to Microsoft, yet I won't lie about the fact I would't mind them losing money this entire generation. Not because Microsoft is a large evil corporation (We have Pfizer and Shell and MomCo) but because they shipped an awfully made product and may make money off it, and that is not behavior I want to see a corporation rewarded for often. Make a product that has less quality than something you buy in a Mexican marketplace, I want the market to bitch slap you, not have half your users apologize or try to pretend it doesn't exist. Oh well. I'm not God, I'm not Adam Smith's invisible, immobile Hand, so it's just a begrudging congrats.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.