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c03n3nj0 said:
Runa216 said:
c03n3nj0 said:
That sounds so freaking random. I've never played though, so I'm guessing it somehow makes sense?

To be fair, going from a medieval assassin to some captured dude in the modern day who has some trippy flashbacks to the past events of that assassin also makes no sense. Hrm.

if you think that's all there is to it, you, my friend, need to play them.  While I was like "WTF" when I first played, the story grows on you and is a sprawling, generational plot leading up to 2012.  basically, there have been these artifacts throughout time responsible for basically everything that caused religion, and this group has been trying to use them to control the world, using the main character's genetic memories to scour through the ages to find where the damn things were hid (his ancestry was responsible for keeping the items and hiding them.)  so it becomes a race agaisnt time between the main character and the enemies to see who finds them first.

Really good plot if you're not religiously sensitive.  Revelations was...not a great game, and the first one suffered some gameplay issues, but 2 and Brotherhood were great and I get the impression III will be awesome since it's apparently an end to the series (since the whole plot revolves around some monumental event happening in 2012) 

Okay. So he has native American blood in 'im! 

I've considered playing the games many times (except for the first one, impression is that it's too repetitive) , but my only way would be PC, and it's not the best place for it, or even the best PC, for that matter. 

Buy a ps3?