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Sal.Paradise said:
Dr.Grass said:
Euphoria14 said:
Dr.Grass said:
Necromunda said:
spaceguy said:
I don't think some of the people on this site realize the power. We could solve millions of problems that we have been trying to figure out for 1,000s of years. Maybe even get the answer on how to make us evolve and become more efficient. Questions like how to live longer and maybe even become immortal. Cure disease and many, many things. This, if used for good, will be our answer to the stars and beyond. I always wanted to travel in space, Not only would this be able to solve hunger, Poverty, health, science, energy, enviromental problems. The list goes on and on that this could accomplish in the right hands. I'm stoked as well but scared as well.

THIS! RIGHT HERE! This is LITERALLY what this is all going to cause, and more importantly, its going to happen in OUR LIFETIMES! But as you said, I'm scared as well, because the question is what happens when this is used for military purposes and whatnot.

You guys have lost your minds.

The prospect is simply a significant jump in computing power. That's it.

This will NOT solve hunger (are you insane), poverty, health or environmental problems.

Not to mention that it's very possible that they will run into a brick wall. Unfortunately the academic world (and I speak from experience here) is mainly governed by the neverending quest for funding. That's what they're doing here...Professor so-and-so want more PhD students so they get funding for research and then they get prestige and money from that.

Still, would it have the ability to do folding at a rate much much faster than what is possible now? It could cure cancer faster than PS3.

Can you please tell me how a faster processor will cure cancer?

Because last time I checked we're still shooting tumors with neutrons/protons (and by we I mean me), putting radioactive substances in the skin or giving them the good 'ol chemo.

He's talking about folding@home, look it up. 

Wow that's quite cool. Another Stanford division eh. I'm using so much of their resources. Evidently it's a real academic powerhouse.

Nevertheless, the point still stands that the computing aspect of these researches are not the main hurdle. Given unlimited processing power the advances made won't infinitely speed up. This should be plain as day to anyone who's done research using complicated programs and powerful comptuers.