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Gilgamesh said:
atma998 said:
atma998 said:
Gilgamesh said:


*sign* fine I'll amuse you

Again obviously the games I mentioned even if there not officially announced will come to the Vita, and they will sell the best on the Vita, the market for RE/MH/FF is in Sonys hand compared to the 3DS. Call of duty is releasing this fall for the vita, no idea why you think it's not announced it's pretty well known. And the reason call of duty isn't popular on handhelds is why everyone? because its the shittiest controls known to man, until now, adding that second analogue stick makes a huge deal, not to mention the portability and connectivity to Vita owners friends. As for GT game on PSP, piracy.

" (heard that argument about motion control last gen...)" 

Yup and now look at it, pretty well dried up. Got a "good few years out of it though".

" lot of complaints of head aches (Never heard about that) and limiting age group (there is no limiting age on Vita's games?),"

You seem to be confused I was talking about the 3DS, there is an age limit for the handheld itself and it's well known 3D gives headaches. Even Nintendo doesn't recommend playing for more then 30 mins I do believe.

"how many more decades are people going to buy basically the same game with updated graphics and a new name of console next to the title (why not asking the same question for Sony franchises?)"

I have I found out that Sony makes the most new and interesting IP's out there.

 much like the PS3 (PS3 is still in third position) ......AND MANY MORE PRICE CUTS TO COME!

also yes PERFECT! controls for a handheld.

- By the time these "unnannouced games" hit the Vita, the gap will be far too large. The 3ds is getting great games NOW.

- RE, MH, and FF are Nintendo territory on handhelds.

- Again, COD is for 360 and PS3. All else gets scraps.  

"I have I found out that Sony makes the most new and interesting IP's out there."

Funniest comment I heard in a while. Especially funny given that we are on a sales website that tells you straight up that Sony cant give a game that remotely produces the interest/sales on the level of Mario. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.