Having thought about it, i've made ordered preference lists for what to do after college (and then i thought, "i should have solidified this list a year ago")
1. Become Foreign Service Officer. Chances of this are low, just because the Foreign Service accepts an incredibly low percentage of applicants, though it's all exam-based, so i feel slightly more confident on a nominally-level playing field, since it's basically "take a social studies test and maybe get a job." The other issue is that the whole exam/selection process, even if you succeed, takes approximately a year, so i would need at least a placeholder job while i seek this job
2. Get a job in America. Much as i've enjoyed time in Japan, i value normalcy and stability a bit more, so I would rather apply the talents i've achieved and get a real, career-relevant job in America. The irony of course is the Foreign Service job is the least stable of the 4 options i've worked out, since they would be shunting me all over the world every two years or so, until i established myself at a niche. But anyway, nice normal job, see where it could take me
3. Teach English in Japan. This wouldn't be a long-term thing, maybe only a couple of years to pay down student loans and improve my Japanese to the point where i could count my Japanese as a skill, and open up more job opportunities
4. Go back to school and get my PhD. I would need to do more research on how much this costs and how much funding i could get (most TA's you find at colleges are grad students, so job opportunities are there, but how much further in the hole would i dig myself?). This option also, of course, means I would still be in school. I can't do this one immediately anyway, simply because i never took the GRE test, and so am unqualified to even apply for grad school yet...
Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.