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compelling argument, but your killer scenario holds little water with me buddy, otherwise, i'd be a drug dealer instead of a college grad, with no job, and little prospects for one. every male on my fathers side of the family (except his father and youngest brother), sold drugs, went to jail, changed their lives, and 2 of them have there own businesses.

my brother has seen death right in front of him, but has never killed anyone, and like me doesn't fear death. we've embraced it. why not, it's going to happen someday right?

some peoples environment, can dictate how they perceive life, and the decisions they make, but not always their philosophy on life.

it's going to happen so why not embrace it, your parents are liberals, but you're a fiscal conservative, broken values, moderates, love makes the world go round (bullshit), life is not like a box of chocolate, growing up seeing only black women, but preferring redheads.

the real question is what would you do if given no other choice but to do so. would you pull the switch to save your family, or shoot yourself to save the world, and you only had 5 seconds to decide? and if you failed to do either in the 5 seconds, everyone would die.

what would you do on impulse gun to gun, knowing it's a life or death situation? would you A: pull the trigger to shoot your mother, or B: let her kill you because she your mother. arrest your father, or let him go free?

yea yea personalty, morals, religion, blah blah blah blah. chances are, not one of these things will help you make choices you'll likely only see in movies, and never have to deal with in life, but if it happens, what would you do.

if you want my answers, quote me and i'll give them to you.