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These are rly good numbers. To everyone saying that it didnt do as good as the 3ds for first week... This may be true, but when the 3ds launched it had no competitor, now the vita just launched doing great numbers despite having to compete with the 3ds.

That being said... to all of you sony fans dont cheer victory so soon. Saying that the vita will suceed or will fail using only the first week sales number is just dumb. Vita sold more in japan than in the US and almost as much as in Europe and 1 week later i think the sales tanked to 20k or something terrible like that, despite the fact that the psp was a beast in japan.

So, considering that the japan sales tanked after selling 300k+ units and is now selling less than 20k a week, and considering that the same thing happened to the 3ds worldwide shortly after its launch, I see no reason why the same thing couldnt happen to the Vita. Yes the 3ds eventualy started to sell alot more, but unlike the 3ds the Vita will have to compete with a 169$ competitor, this is why I think that if the vita eventualy start selling alot less (wich I believe will happen) I dont think it will be able to come back up.

I believe the vita will struggle all year and the holyday season will be make it or break it for sony, just like it was for the 3ds. We will have to see what sony has in store for the vita for the holyday season cause it has to be big (and no, a CoD IMO isnt enough, ppl argue that a cod on vita would be just like the ps3, to those ppl I say ''then why not just buy it 60$ for ps3 instead of paying 350$ for the vita version?''). So if sony play their cards well for the holyday it can suceed, but the fact that the vita will also have to compete with the Wii U during the holyday wont help.


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

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