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Just to clarify no Ron Paul is not a racist to my knowledge that was my damn spell check again. I wrote he was the closest thing to racist their is in US Government.

As for me endorsing Santorum lol not a chance he is more concerned with policies on trivial things like gay marriage then the real issues. He is trying to win an extremist vote and while I support a lot of his morals I don't think his blind support for extremist policies is good.

I don't support any of the Republican candidates entirely but Mitt Romney would be the best choice for US President.

Ron Paul is wish washy and if he doesn't have intent on bringing America into a racist country he is setting it up to become one.

American troops and Government would not be the bad guys if America did go fascist. It would be the American people. Ignorance and arrogance flows through the US. Just watching leaders of the.occupy movement shows just how greedy and stupidly naive large amounts of the American population is.

Obama states the US will become the new China. People are not thinking, do you want to become the new China? Obama is talking about manufacturing goods and for America to beat China and India. Umm you realize the implications their right that is not a good thing. American politicians and analysts all know America's debt will continue to grow regardless of cuts to the military.

Its funny Americans actually believe their country is recovering and yes it appears to be job wise and such. But debt continues to grow fast and at the IMF recent meeting governments talked about the end of American capitalism and the end of American economic strength. In fact the Bank of Canada made the bold statement that America will never recover.

So what happens when the Occupy Protestors are actually unemployed and living in.poverty? I mean I saw a report on the news that a majority of Occupy Protestors were employed middle class Americans. Reportedly making upwards of 100k per house hold. Now I make roughly 9k in total each year.

What happens when Americans begin starving? Food riots break out civil disorder spreads and the ingreatful dumb asses who actually blame the Government will try toppling it.

See Americans just like the Greeks and many other countries don't actually understand that the world is running out of resources. Military influence is the only thing keeping America afloat. Why is India selling to America so much? Nothing to do with America's military support.

P.S all those who tried making fun of me of who will invade. You may not give a shit about the people in other countries but some of us have friends in those countries. My buddy is in the South Korean military and he is scared as hell about Ron Paul. He has told me if America leaves the South Korean military could not win a war with North Korea. The North could attack and his forces despite their training and equipment would be over run.

China has talked about invading Japan and Taiwan. In fact army simulators in China have Chinese forces fighting the Japanese. China claims a large amount of soveirgn Japanese territory and their have almost been clashes several times. America's bases in Japan are the only thing preventing China from invading Japan or just taking anything from them they want.

As for Iran. Ya you realize Iran's President has publicly denied the holocaust and called for the extermination of Israel. His Government supplies and trains Hezbollah and Hamas. They have talked about wiping Tell Aviv off the map with long range missiles killing thousands to millions of innocent civilians.

Iran's president and Government are tyrants they promote ethnic slaughtering and the Government oppresses its people much like Syria today.

American military might is a large reason countries help the US. Do you think if American troops leave the African countries democracies for dead or the middle east dictators or the democracies in Asia/Europe that they will actually thank America?

Hell no other then some Afghans and Iraqi's America will become more hated then ever.

I just recently sat down with some Vietnamese visitors who live in Vietnam supporting democracy. It was funny to hear that Vietnamese hated America towards the end of the war because as he put it. Americans were lying cowards.

America would liberate a town come in a promise security and freedom. The group said the Vietnamese were so happy till a week later American troops left. The NBA comes in and kills everyone who supported the Americans. Then America would come back and say were here to save you. But leave again in a few days, the North Vietnamese would return and kill anyone who supported America. This repeated the whole war.

He said everyone knew that America lied they gave the people hope when America never intended to stay and help. He talked about when American troops were finally sent into other countries. In fact America was only kilometers from the Vietcong headquarters but the American people stormed the white house and America's Government stopped its troops from attacking and destroying the base.

In his words the American people left him and his country to slaughter. They had come in promising freedom but when it became uncomfortable they left them for dead. I know for a fact that this happened in Afghanistan I have been in contact with members of Government their and in fact seen it on the news. America comes.into a town promising freedom and peace and security. Stay just long enough for the people to trust them and then leave. The Taliban come in and stone the supporters of democracy. Weeks later America comes back and the process repeats.

The people of Vietnam the people I have talked to in America. They are not against foreign intervention. They are against American cowardess and the greedy American people who leave them for dead. Exactly what Ron Paul is suggesting on a global scale.

Americans are naive and stupid when they think their country could back stab NATO and the Asia Pacific Alliance and get away with it unscathed. NATO actually made a public statement that America's protectionist actions would make Americans poorer.

Think about it for a second America has treaties and defence agreements with these countries. Every single has is their do to a agreement. The whole world isn't going to.mind America breaking its agreements. I mean America can break NAFTA when ever they want they can violate other agreements. So obviously America can back stab half the world and leave their countries defenseless nobody minded being fucked over by America last time.

America can't press its luck. Countries are already shifting trade and assistance from the US due to treachery. Canada only one country in dozens sending exports that would go to America else where because America's Government is screwing them.

If America backs out of their agreements globally if they betray those countries that trust and rely on them. Well America will have no friends left. Also what happens to the US missile shield? Anyone realize that America's missile defence system is in Canada and Europe? Pull out and Washington DC suddenly becomes a viable target because America's missile defence system is suddenly unable to protect the East Coast and most of the interior.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer