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Xenostar said:
I LOVE how vita list DLC in a seperate sub folder when looking at trophies, even when looking at PS3 games. The PS3 should do this.

Yeah it's sweet. I suspect a firmware update is coming to the PS3 soon that will show sub folders for DLC and allow you to see your Vita trophies too.

Really loving Super Stardust on Vita. That game was made for that system! Got 100% in Super Stardust yesterday, and I'd say the trophy for later bomber was a lot easier in this version than the PSN version. There are also a bunch of touch screen related trophies one which was really tricky.

My goal is to stay at 100% completion percentage on the Vita. So far so good after 2 games. Next up: Uncharted. My favorite thing about touch screen controls on Uncharted so far is when climbing cliffs. You just draw the path which Nathan Drake is to follow and he'll make all the moves automatically.