Euphoria14 said: You also mention it as being a Android based device, but you and I both know that all Android devices (Phones especially) become real laggy after a while and require reboots, task killers, cache dumps, etc... just to speed it back up. That is the last thing anyone would want with something they would most definitely use as a dedicated gaming device. One moment Uncharted runs great, next time you boot it up it's lagging out the ass. "Ok, time to reboot the Vita and clear out some stuff. Ah fuck, stupid AT&T bloatware is strangling my Vita and I can't delete it unless I mod it. Hope that doesn't block me from PSN." It would be a disaster and I wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole, and we know that I am one who enjoys gaming on my phone, but that kind of gaming that I enjoy is different. |
I'm sure they could find a way to shut down all background processes when running a PSV game. As a game centric device, it's fairly reasonable to expect priority to be given to game software, even if at the cost of background services.
I game on my phone a bit as well, but not in the same capacity. 15 minutes is usally the max per session and even then, it's not a common occurence.
Maybe a question for you and any PSV/smartphone owner would be if you could add an earpiece to your PSV and pay for a cell/data plan, would you ditch your current smartphone and whatever apps you use with it?