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rocketpig said:
gamingdevil said:
ckmlb said:
tabsina said:
its just a date.. could be the next trailer :P
Early candidate for game of the generation dare I say? :)

Nah, award already taken by Brawl.

But maybe HD Game of the generation :P

Dunno about that. While Brawl is cool, it looks like more of the same ol', same ol'... GTA is adding a ton of features never seen before in a sandbox game. GPS systems, a cover system, operating on the fly from a cellular phone, stealing police cars just for access to the on-board police database, sniping positions that confuse the enemy (instead of just turning and firing at you immediately), more verticality to the game, a working taxi cab system for better transportation, a more life-like environment, etc. etc. etc.

I was worried that GTA IV would be more of the same crap but Rockstar has really gone above and beyond to flesh out the typically dry and barren sandbox genre.

1st) SSBB Same old, same old????

1) Online multiplayer (+ co-op campaign online!)
2) Third Party Characters
3) Level sharing
4) Level editor
5) All new adventure mode

What else did you wanted??? To change the name???

Also since when do we value games that innovate?
Does DMC4 innovate? KillZone 2? MGS?

It's just that the level of awesomeness that matters, and Brawl CLEARLY has the upper hand.