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sdyer777 said:

"OLED" stands for Organig Light Emitting Diode - it is NOT related in any way to LCD technology. There is no such thing as an "organic LCD". You guys seem to have these technologies mixed up.

LCD involves having a backlight shine through a grid of crystal cells, which can be made opaque (blocking the light) or clear (letting the light through), making the picture happen.

OLED is a very thin film of LED dots that glow when a current is passed through them. This technology is much, much thinner than any other TV type because there is no back light, no containment cells needed for the crystal liquid, etc.

Sony did just bring out the first OLED TV. It is 11" and sells for $1500 - clearly a luxury buy. More of a tech demo making the point that it can be done, rather than something they expect to sell tons of.

There are significant issues in making bigger OLED TVs, but the industry is working on those issues and bigger and cheaper versions will be on the market at some point, like a year or three. At the recent CES, larger panels - Samsung had a 30", I believe - were shown, but were not models that were on the market yet.

 Erhm, that was my point. I just said that the OLED is often compared to LCDs because it uses some of the same manufacturing techniques and ends up with a similar physical profile. Sorry if I explained that poorly.