I've got a few impulse buy games:
PS3 - Went to buy a tv, walked past the aisle, thought "eh, why not", chucked it in the kart, went outside, and noticed I was suddenly broke.
Wii - Impulse buy
God of War 3 (PS3) - Impulse buy, but never regretted it, I love it.
Condemned 2 (X360)- Impulse buy, worst game ever.
Ghostbusters (X360) - Impulse buy, don't play it a lot, but don't regret it.
Viva Pinata (X360) - Impulse buy, fun game, don't regret it.
Fable 2 (X360) - Impulse buy, regret it a bit.
Bully Scholarship Edition (X360) - Impulse buy, I'm divided on this game...
FC Instincts Predator (X360) - Impulse buy, regret it.
Got another PS3 game I'm forgetting about which I also regret buying.
That's about it this gen I think.