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If you know how to use motion controls you shouldn't have any control issues. I definitely didn't dislike the open world as much as you. It's nowhere near as fun as the missions are, but I didn't mind it, and it was a nice break in between the crazy action. I liked buying up all the clothes and beam katana upgrades, and I didn't think the minigames were bad. They work as a break in the action.

That said, collision detection is awful. There is some weird buffer zone in front of the cars. They may have put it there on purpose so that you wouldn't go flying off the bike when you hit them, but it's frankly annoying. IMO the game would have been much better if they had simply left out the open world, and let you travel between locations instantly, while keeping the minigames and stuff. The overworld is really a small part of the game though, and if you don't mind the minigames (again, a lot of people like them), then you should enjoy yourself. I'm about 5 or 6 hours in and would put the game in the mid to high 8s.