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RolStoppable said:
Get real, people.

Pokémon Black and White 2 was announced instead of Gray which the cool people expected to be a DS game anyway. Some of you guys are acting as if this was Generation VI being put on the DS.

B/W2 will release in June in Japan, so a Generation VI release on the 3DS is still possible to happen during the next fiscal year (ending in March 2013), at least in Japan. Naturally, it's probably not going to be announced before B/W2 is released.

Nintendo's main battle is in Japan, so they'll try to stagger the releases of their 3DS games as best as possible instead of having long droughts without any big games. Given the situation the Vita is in, the 3DS can be in cruise mode right now, so the Japanese release schedule for the next four months is sufficient. The Vita is not going to gear up until the second half of 2012 and that's when Nintendo plans to release Super Mario Bros. 3DS and who knows, perhaps Monster Hunter 4 is ready by then too. This, along with the countless smaller releases, would be enough to fend off the Vita for the year and spring 2013 would have Pokémon Generation VI.

Hopefully that'll be a 3DS Exclusive. That would just demolish the already crused VITA.