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I'm pretty sure I've seen all the original Star Wars trilogy, but I would be hard pressed to answer questions about which bit came where.

I've only ever seen parts of The Godfather (or TG2 or 3) from clip shows or scenes that were included in The Godfather: Blackhand Edition.

As for games, I've owned only 4 consoles: MegaDrive, N64, GC and Wii... and generally most games that have not appeared on those 4 consoles will not have been played by me. My experience of other consoles is limited mostly to some Mario Kart and Mario Bros. on the SNES... Driver, Ridge Racer, Tomb Raider, Spyro, Jak & Daxter, Theme Park, Frogger and a few others on the PS1 (all rather limited time though, probably less than 10 hours total PS1 time)... GTA, Gran Turismo and Splinter Cell on the PS2... GTA and a little Halo on the Xbox... And a small amount of time on a few handhelds.

Oh and add me to the no Call of Duty list too... I have no interest in that type of game, I prefer my FPS to be either sci-fi or bond/secret agent focussed.

Oh and never owned an apple product, or a smart phone (though I have used both on occasion)