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StokedUp said:

The xiii-2 ending has left me asking questions and wanting to know more, I feel like I need to carry on with the adventure. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I'd love to go and at the same time it wasn't the type of ending I was hoping for. I'm all confused! What could actually happen if there was a 13-3? How would it work?

Well, i think

there has to be some sick paradox to fix what happened there.. :B as i see the ending, there would be 2 way's to continue based on the game's logic:


A.) Caius creates the World he wants, raping Noel in the Face, and eventually killing him, and everyone else who dares to rebell against the beeing that is Caius,. also i think Caius didnt die, he just tricked Noel into releasing Chaos. Noel didnt kill Etro, he just Unleashed whatever held back Caius up to this moment. ... And they (Caius and Yul) live hapilly ever after.


B.) The Unleashed Chaos allows a Gate to be opened, which may lead to get a living Version of Lightning and Serah into the current time and age, and with that party, you travel through the devastated mixture of Pulse and Walhalla, eventually killing Caius once and for all. since everything is possible, they may even revive Etro through a Paradox, and get her into the party to rape Caius.


But then again...Square opened Pandora's Box, explaining everything as a paradox... so the possibilities are endless. but we can say for sure that either good or bad will happen in the end.

@Yul and Caius

i think Yul is just a fucking whore that tricked Noel from the getgo, but she didnt betray, she just stood there and watched things happen.

@TIme and another possibility for what is after the ending:

I think Square portrayed Time as a Circle, not as a line that keeps getting onward, which would give "if you change the future, you change the past" a bit of sense... its hard to imagine, but once you get the hang of it, its quite possible. think of it as something that rotates, not something that flow's.  if we take it this way, we can't make any real conclusions either though... since Noel and Serah fucked around with time and paradoxes alot, the stuff in both directions changes inevitabely,.. tho', Caius could change things back the way they were after Serah and Noel went Apeshit.. after all, he keeps the timeline as it is, as the Guardian of Chaos. (i wont accept that he is, in any way, a servant of Etro.. but well, Etro could be also the whore that gave him exactly this Mission, to create an eternal Wallhalla..) ... So yeah, when Caius is fixing things back, making S&Ns actions Meaningless, he may be pulling the strings that way that AF0 and AF700 (again, dont use those numbers internally, time isnt something that keeps onward here, its something that repeats.. should be more like .. dunno.. 360° 'til 270° ) keep repeating.



... gosh, i hate how all of that makes me think LOL.



forget what i said about good or bad, i think it just repeats, or some paradox opens up (Well, i think Paradox can be seen as things that break out of- or into the so called "Circle" i declared to exist above) and suddently fucks with Caius the way that he may not be able to react properly to it,.. screwing the Circle. Or changing it.


edit 2:

i platinumed the game, but i think i will put it back into the console before the Sazh DLC releases, for some reason, i want to max out my Chocobo's, or just replay some scenes... Oo!

also, if you have any other explanation for the stuff posted above, gimme your theories!!!

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!