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Cooper Lawrence, the Fox News reporter who broke the story of the  (se)Xbox and Mass Effect just got 500 new reviews on her book "The Cult of Perfection"

Here are some clips of the reviews that can be found on


"There some chapters in this book that leave me wondering whether she does any research at all. I'm also quite disappointed that Mrs. Lawrence would use sex appeal (the cover) to sell her book. Whether she realizes it or not there are a lot of kids in book stores today that will see this and get the wrong impression."

"Image means a lot Mrs. Lawrence, and you are damaging the youth of America. "

"It may be true that I haven't actually read this book, but after watching her bash a really good game. I realized that people don't need to actually play, read, or watch things to review them. "

"If you do purchase the book, I urge you strongly not to leave it idly where little hands can find it. The latest research clearly shows young readers are incalculably and permanently scarred by oversexualized images in books and other media. "

Update - Total reviews went from 512 to 499... maybe amazon is deleting them?

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