ROBOTECHHEAVEN said: @mjk45, uncharted : golden abyss, ninja gaiden sigma plus,dynasty warriors next,dungeon hunter alliance,ultimate marvel vs capcom,shinobudo 2,hot shots golf world invitational,rayman origins,michael jackson the experience hd,fifa soccer 12,asphalt injection,modnation racers,wipeout 2048 are my psvita games. |
Just picked up the Last Story , between it and the Vita , bought Uncharted , Dynasty Warriors next , Everybody's golf , Army corps of Hell, ( ridge racer as the pre order bonus) plus full game DL's of Plants v zombies ,touch my Katamari , Modnations racers and the Unit 13 demo , I have hit a traffic jam.
Research shows Video games help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot