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selnor said:

Good to see PS3 sales increase over christmas. I expect them to drop to last throughout the year again though.

However, Look at the game attachment sales on this site. Gaming wise for Sony this is serious trouble.

Call of Duty 4 has sold 4.3 mill on 360 and only 2.6 mill on PS3.

Uncharted has only sold a measily 1 mill.

Ratchet and Clank 750,000

The orange box is also dire on PS3.

My point is I take an educated guess that 30% of PS3's are sold purely for the Bluray films. It's the cheapest way to view Bluray. And these people arent interested in the games side.

This poses a big problem for Sony. Developers will be reluctant to bring everything to the console. And with these attachment rates so far behind 360, Microsofts machine remains firm favourite for devs first choice. And for that matter It's definately the gamers system. It's a shame because the PS2 was so good. Hell I still play mine now. Another problem Sony have is that the porn industry is and will always be exclusive to HDdvd because Sony turned them down(same thing happened in betamax era). So HDdvd will never fade away because of the porn industry.

Where Sony go from here I dont know


 How does that pose a problem for Sony? Yes, it's bad for their gaming division. But what if they don't really care about the direction of their gaming division? Sony packaged the PS3 as a blu-ray player because they wanted to ensure they'd win the format war. I don't care who you are, the home entertainment/movie-watching market is a thousand (at least) times larger than the gaming market. Winning in that market is so, so much more valuable than winning in the rather small gaming market (that IS expanding, yes, but not that much in the direction the PS3 went, so that direction is a moot point).


So, Sony having that high a percentage of PS3's sold for blu-ray films... isn't a problem at all! In fact, it's a very, very good situation. It means that their strategy is working - that they've gotten nearly 10 million blu-ray players into homes by making their gaming system one of those players, and that 3 million of those were provably bought TO be a player. This means they're doing magnificently in the format war, and the PS3 has most definitely been a success.

 I tip my hat to Sony. It's a shame for them that the Playstation brand had to suffer like it has been, but it's been a very ballsy move that is paying off tremendously. Whoever's idea it was to package the PS3 as a blu-ray player, I'll bet they've been promoted and given a hefty raise. Very smart move.
