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To answer your question no its not worth it. I know your probably used to standard measurements, but when you move to wide screen you definitely need more inches then you think you need. Factor in the price for such a small screen and you understand that it is somewhat excessive. Last year I purchased a 37" flat panel LCD for seven hundred dollars before taxes.

I highly recommend that you hold back or continue your search. You can definitely get more for less, and you can probably get a decent product you could be proud of in your home.

My best advice is ignore these people telling you about name brands. Frankly all these products are made in China. All made using the same standards and practices. There is no guarantee with these products beyond the warranty. Which I usually recommend that consumers who cannot sustain the loss buy into large extended warranties rather then trust in a name brand, and if your going to buy a warranty buy the less expensive product if its the same on all fronts.

Honestly name brand hasn't meant squat in years if it ever did. I have purchased from all the companies listed, and have gotten lemons from all of them. Make use of peer review wherever possible. Off brand products aren't necessarily crap, and on brand product aren't necessarily gold.

I would also recommend you ignore these 1080p promoters. The reality is this if you ditch it, and its far from needed you can get a bigger screen with the money you save, or save the money outright. To tangle the issue further high definition channels prefer 720p and since it has been the standard for so long its doubtful to change since not all high definition screens do not support it. Last time I looked you had to give up nearly a foot of screen space to get that particular feature for the same price. The trade off isn't worth it, and you almost get same progressive screen with 720p if you go with the larger screen.