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"Why is an authority needed for morals?"

The question is not about having morals but what is your authority that your morals are based of?

The authority is rules and regulations, society's collective attitudes or basing of a religion.

Well if you base your morals based of what you think, how can you say x's morals are bad? Meaning your morals are easily changeable  and are simply what you think is right.

The whole point being without an authority for morals to be derived from, will morals simply become a cost benefit analysis rather then actually standing up for anything?

I am not saying morals are only based of religion, but if you think about it, basing your entire morality over what you think is right does not automatically hold greater weight over someone basing his morals off God.

For example If I say I do not drink or smoke as its forbitdon by my religion and one says I drink because I think all is good in moderation.
Who is right?

One side bases his opinion off a religion and the other bases his on his personal wants and desires.

So, I remind everyone when we laught at religious people for having wierd beliefs (like not eating meat), think about what our values are based on.