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Wow just wow, I'm starting to understand the Greek situation a bit better now due to this thread as I couldn't understand how they could be in such heavy that the country gets taxed until it feels oppressed. From what I'm reading I wouldn't even rule out a civil war breaking out like it did in several middle eastern countries if the country is in such a dire state.

People not wanting their country's future to go to hell, hunger and such are very powerful motivations in triggering events. I'm not going to fault the Greek people here because my family's country of origin Zambia has had it's share of corrupt governments fiddling with finances leading to debts although the country now is in fine financial standing and having strong development and growth so never say never.

Problem I can see here though is that Zambia never had businesses shutting down and is rich in resources like other African countries, I'm not well informed on Greece's resources plus the former never had to to adhere to a single currency.