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Silver-Tiger said:
MadeInDK said:

The vita.. will be canceled after this holliday.. like the psp go.. i'm not sayng it are doomed.. just sayng that nobody wants it.. (some sony fans.. die hard.. but normal people) Back when psp came.. we got a lot... extras.. this time.. we have all that in the mobiles.. theres no reason for vita.. to much a mobil.. but can't call..

For me it looks like they about to do a "ps3".. have great sales with psp.. (70 mill) and then go to down to.. let's say 20 mill.. vita.. vita's.. they will have to loose on,, and not earn that much.. just to sell..

The your post....make it read.


I like dots.. And i find it easier to read (mayby becurse i'm danish).. But i tries to make only 2 dots and 1 space.. Sorry if you don't like it.