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Umm Rol Mario is Nintendo's strongest IP. 2D Mario is Mario they are the same franchise.
Also if I am so bad at what I say Nintendo should do why was my thread on buying Nintendo stock Reggie not being responsible and how Nintendo could turn things around used in Google Finances annual report on Nintendo alongside IGN and Michael Pachter. In fact my article was the only one not from a professional game industry analyst.

Rol you contradict yourself. Saying new IP like WiiFit and WiiSports and Brain Age etc..etc.. made DS and Wii successful yet insisting Nintendo use Mario instead of give new IP a chance.

As for everyone on this site lol. Rol you always talk like you speak for everyone. You don't and yes a good number do but a good number don't. Stop making wide God like statements to discredit me. I really could care less.

You see when Google Finance thinks I have the right idea. When I get in talks with other industry officials. When I have the support most often of Spurge a major player on these forums. When I have support of Galaki when I have the support of Jew members like


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer