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What Rol reread my comment I said five launch titles total. Not five first party launch day titles. If you had read the whole thread I had written you would see I spaced releases out. I was suggesting a smaller launch line up blustered by some of.the industries strongest IP.

I am talking about spacing releases that's the whole reason I am against launching Mario launch day. Rather spreading Nintendo's new and old IP out to give them all the best sales chance while promoting third party competition.

3DS is a wake up call and that call is that Nintendo needs software at launch. Steel Diver was the only Jew IP and it was not good enough. Nintendogs a title Rol you yourself said was a huge launch title.bombed falling flat. Nintendo had a severe drought as they waited for third party games that never showed because Nintendo did not sell the hardware.

3DS failed because of the high price and lack of new IP and relying on weak unproven IP. Rather then Nintendo launching a few new IP instead of launching with LoZ and Star fox Nintendo left their system to die. The failure had nothing to do with Mario's absence. Nintendo would have been fine if they had spaced their titles out and launched their LoZ and Star Fox in the launch window. If the system retailed at 199$ instead of 250$ if Nintendo had invested heavier in their other titles. Kid Icarus was a title supposed to make the launch window but was delayed. Other titles like Animal Crossing were also supposed to launch in 2011 too.

Yes I do think Nintendo can potentially release a WiiSports like title every generation. WiiSports was nothing amazing


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