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Dhar look over that list! Firstly WiiSports has an extremely low attach rate considering it was bundled in most of the world. That is horrible it shows nearly 20% of Wii owners opted out of software they shouldn't have even been able to opt out of.

Then WiiSports Resort bundled with Motion+ and consumers wanted to try it out. WiiPlay bundled with controllers when nobody could find controllers I personally had two copies and a friend had three because we couldn't find controllers without it. So look at the sequel to WiiPlay the one without bundled hardware. It bombed look at WiiMusic it bombed. WiiSports was an amazing revolution it was amazing can't argue there.

What your list shows take out the hardware bundles and your left with tons of titles that are non Mario and non Wii related. I have no idea how these games would do without the hardware bundles. I suspect WiiSports would sell about ten million copies assuming Mario wasn't present at launch. WiiPlay may have struggled to break 6 million. Just guessing but based on those I know who bought WiiPlay and the success of the sequel I have doubts it could have competed.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer