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Last_Dream said:
usrevenge said:
the only problem i see is nintendo leaning on their past successes instead of making totally new games.
make something unique, and not flail your arms for controls unique. when Mario came to the n64 each game was differnt from the rest of the market..
mario 64 was an amazing 3d platformer that took a long time to beat
mario party was amazing
mario tennis was a lot of fun for those who never played it is the only tennis game i can bare to play.

as the gameing industry progresses nintendo has been left in the dust.
super mario sunshine was good but not as great as 64. galaxy compared to 64 is garbage.. heck i beat galaxy 2 THE DAY I BOUGHT IT. and it wasn't even a 24/7 ordeal it was more like 8 hours.
mario party on the gamecube and wii have been pretty bad... the original is still the best, now they just add weird gimmicks to it, havent played the latest one ( is it 9?) but i heard everyone moves at the same time to the same place (fail) so no.
nintendo does this with all their games.
i mean, skyward sword, would have been amazing on the game cube or n64. but completely overshadowed by skyrim which looks better and has dozens of hours of more content, its also truely open world.

what should nintendo do?
make a new IP, Or use existing characters for entirely new games
pokemon/legend of zelda with skyrim sized and open world? winner.
the original mario party, make another 2 dozen maps and another 100 games with internet play, release it for $30??? such a bargain everyone would buy = winner.
pokemon but real time combat if I thunderbolt an incoming hydropump ( while dodging left or right) the current should go back through the water.
give us pokemon combat equal to the TV show.

I agree with some of your point.

But I think we as a gamer that prevent the innovation in gameplay. It's like supply and demand.

For example: Call of Duty franchise right now. In term of gameplay innovation, it's stagnant and lack noticable innovation. But we still buy it every year. Actually, worse than that, more people buy that franchise from year to year.

Another example is Mario (platformer), people doesn't like 3D Mario as much as 2D Mario (from sales perspective). That's why they try to move their 3D Mario gameplay design as close as it can be to 2D Mario gameplay design, like we can see the progress from Mario 64 to the latest one Super Mario 3D Land.

You know you can beat the original super mario in a matter of minutes, right?

Besides, I'm sceptical about you completing Galaxy in 8 hours. You mean you went through it with Mario and Luigi, collected all the bonus bits and unlocked the final level and completed it?

Nintendo have made loads of new IPs, or have revived long dead ones as well as pumping out Mario. It's pretty obvious.

Yes. - contribute your stuff... satire, comics, ideas, debate, stupidy stupid etc.