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The modern construct of 'Greece' or 'Greeks' did not exist in Ancient times, it is a term derived from Latin, it is frustrating when people attempt to drag modern constructs into an Ancient context much like a modern understanding of homosexuality in an Ancient context. They referred themselves as Hellenes. The Hellenic poleis were never truly unified except under exceptional circumstances such as times of war and they would constantly war amongst each other, the Hellenes greatest enemies were usually always themselves. The Ancient Kingdom of Macedon was very much so Hellenic and the people of slavic origin that later occupied the land in 600AD bare no relation to Alexander's Macedon. Granted the majority of Eastern and Southern Europe today has very diluted genetics due to centuries of war as can be seen between the disparity in genetic code between those of Northern and Southern Italy; from a cultural and geographical standpoint, Alexander's Macedon is predominantly within the boundaries of Northern Greece, as this land was granted to the Greeks as spoils after the Balkan Wars of the early 1900s. The capital of the Ancient Kingdom was Pella and was the birthplace of both Phillip and Alexander, and this city is in Greece as far as I know. How this thread went from austerity measures to people debating history is beyond me.

Also I don't imagine the Greeks will be starting any wars any time soon unless heavily provoked. Especially not against Turkey.