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Joelcool7 said:
Rol releasing 2 2D Mario titles each generation plus at least one 3D and MarioKart, Paper Mario, Mario Party and Mario sports titles. Its way to much saturation. Saturation does not work often the more Mario titles Nintendo releases the further they stretch the brand. Mario might be the strongest gaming franchise on earth but even it if used to much could fail.

Just like annual releases releasing 2 or more 2D games alongside 3D and spin offs. Its not a huge weapon if you release them constantly. If their was a new Mario Kart three times a generation would it sell 20+ million copies?

No Mario is not a franchise that you just use every time you feel like. Mario is not the only franchise that can sell hardware. If you launch with two games from franchises that sell around 4-million+ copies you do not need Mario. Nintendo will not be able to survive multiple generations with just Mario.

Nintendo needs to lead the next generation with new amazing titles in other franchises. Launching Mario in the sixth month is more then good enough.

Sorry to break into this discussion but frankly, not it's not. They released 2 3D Mario's and 1 2D Mario for the Wii. Instead they should have 2 Mario Bros. titles: One for launch and one around 4-5 years after the launch of the platform with 3D Mario releasing inbetween. Nintendo was fine with releasing just one 3D Mario on N64 and Gamecube. And there would still be a two years break between the second 2D Mario and the launch of the next console.