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Never been this confused about buying gaming hardware before...

I have money lying around. I would love a cool portable device. The problem is that I just can't make up my mind. I'm like saving my money and investing it too much to spend cash on 2 portable consoles, so which way do I turn (?)...

The 3DS is super cheap, and I LOVE Mario/Zelda/Metroid. The problem is that the Vita puts the 3DS's screen to bloody shame. I've seen both run now, and I can't help feeling incredibly enticed by the technological marvel that is the PSVita.


3DS is cheaper and has much better games right now.


I have a PS3 and crossplay/streaming etc. etc. is just awesome


PSVita makes me a sitting target for thieves here in South Africa (no, really)


I would kick myself in the nuts if a 3DS revision came out with dual stick control


... I guess the only real solution is to somehow get both.


Investing the money of a PSVita at 19% (my general rate) for 10 years...