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mrstickball said:
Dark_Lord_2008 said:
me and my mates used to run amok and we used to do all sorts of bad things that can not be mentioned due to fear of legal consequences. plenty of teenagers play truant and do not even attend school. hanging out at the mall, going to the beach and causing trouble is more fun than passively sitting in a classroom being indoctrinated with public school socialist propaganda.

the private school kids and their fancy pant private schools have a huge advantage over the poor kids who attend the poorly funded run down government schools with teachers/principals who simply do not care.

Problem is, those 'Fancy pant private schools' cost less than government schools in most cases. For example, in Detroit, private schools are about $4,000/yr less than public schools, despite the fact that private schools are graduating ~95% of their African-American kids, while public schools in the D are graduating ~40% overall.

From my understanding, the reason private schools are so much cheaper is because of what the money is not spent on ... You're unlikely to see state of the art equipment in private school classrooms that sits around unused because teachers haven't been trained how to use it, the teachers make less money with fewer benefits and have substantially less job security, the schools do not have fancy fitness facilities, and there are far fewer people in administrative positions.

Even with all those "negatives" private schools tend to attract the best teachers, in a large part because of the consequences of these limitations. Since these schools can get rid of the worst teachers, and they attract far fewer of the teachers who are motivated by the benefits of being a teacher, working for a private school means you have to spend less of your time trying to fix the mistakes of bad teachers. Since money is not being spent on high-tech equipment that sits unused there is often money available for textbooks and classroom supplies. While there are fitness programs within many of these private schools, the more basic fitness facilities demonstrates their focus on academics; and the fewer administrative positions are a demonstration that the schools are far less of a bureaucratic mess.