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I mean hell... compare to how the US handled their problem in 2008, and continue to handle their debt problems... vs how the EU is handling it. (IE Austerity mostly... very conservative.)

Compare the US, to say Iceland... US, Bail out the banks. Iceland... let them go bankrupt. Again, pretty conservative action there.

Or heck, 90% of the muslim laws targetting stuff in europe... or that are at least seen as targeting muslims here in the US.  (Ban of religious items in public places, headscarf ban... etc)

Example about Racism, political comments that occured when Obama was elected President


Which, unless I'm mistaken, I believe the US is the only nation to have elected a person from a racial minority as head of state.

The only other case that even comes to mind is Benjamin Disraeli.

Though if I have my UK politcs right he wasn't directly elected Prime Minister... and I can't really tell if he was racially jewish, or if he was Italian, and just that his parents were Jewish.  (He himself converting and actually in favor of a law discriminating against jews.)