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osamanobama said:

i give up... i just cant get the image of my desktop pasted into here.

i have a Mac, so i press Command+Shift+3, to take the screen grab, but no matter what i do, i cant get it into here.

but its basically the same thing as above

You have to save it to your machine and host it somewhere.

- make your screen grab and copy it into an image editing application (I presume it's called iPhoto or something) then save it, ideally as a jpg.
- Go to an image hosting website such as photobucket or imageshack (I think PB requires and account, last time I used imageshack you didn't need one but it might have changed) and upload your jpg from your machine, then when it's done you can copy the direct link to the image, and paste that link into the little box that comes up when you click on the tree in the rich text editor.

There is a simpler way to do it, but i'm not sure if it would work on a Mac.... once you have your screen grab, paste it into Word (I believe most Mac users have MS Office applications nowadays, if not then whatever text editor Mac comes with may work) then right-click and copy the image from Word straight into your post.

The second way is easier to do, though it involves posting a lot of info into the post (all the image code) so I prefer to use the former way.