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FreeTalkLive said:

Homeschooling rocks.  It can cost just about nothing to do.  However, the government spends about $17,000 per year per student where I live.  Just think, if everyone home schooled it would drop my property taxes by over 50% and my state taxes too.  Or course, that isn't going it happen.

Besides homeschooling only costing a tiny fraction as much as government school, the students usually did better on standardized tests and from what I have noticed, are much better behaved and generally better people.  Oh yeah, and there is the thing about a lot of government schools providing absolutely terrible educations that are either very dangerous or not at all tailored to special needs students. 

Oh, and around 1/3 of the time at government schools can just be a complete waste of time.  I remember having to spend an hour a day on the bus just going to school and back.

Parents that homeschool are heros.  They help their children, they help their community and they help the world.  Anyone against homeschool is seriously uneducated on the subject or is just in it because they want the government to be as big as possible and taxes to be as high as possible.

So you have pre-emptively dismissed any opinion that isn't the same as yours as uneducated?

On topic: I believe that there is much more to school than education, it's where you learn about the world. I think that the schooling system has a lot to offer that homeschooling does not. In some situations I can see why home schooling would be the better option, but I think for the majority of kids going to a normal school is a better idea.