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@Rol no I never said 2D Mario had no strategic vale quite the opposite. I suggested you aren't thinking of its strategic value when calling to be a launch title and getting upset at the release of 3D/2D Mario. Your allowing your personal desire for another New Super Mario Bros to cloud your judgement.

Also please note I have not said Mario should not appear within The first year, I am only suggesting he is absent for the first six months. Using his release as a weapon rather then simply shooting it off.

It seems when people talk about what games Nintendo should release they only think about games they personally want released. Not what games would he best from a business strategic point of view. Heck I'll play along Nintendo needs Donkey Konga day one or The WiiU will fail Battalion Wars is another must, heck 3DS failed at launch because Advance Wars 3D Tactics wasn't a launch title.

Also anyone know why my spell check keeps turning the into Tue or Jew keeps popping up. Its very annoying!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer