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Why does everyone automaticly assume that the losses on the PS3 can't be compensated by profits on the PSP and PS2? Everyone immediatly states that Sony must lose hundreds on every PS3 sold although there have been many advances in producing the PS3 in a way more price effective way.

We don't even have a clue about how much they make on the PSP and PS2. The production processes on these machines has been perfected so much that the profit on each unit could be beyond our wildest dreams. I am going to make a really secure and low estimate and say they make about 25 dollars on the PSP and 30 on the PS2. I am putting the PS3 at a 150 dollar loss.

Combined with software sales I don't think that Sony did such a bad job after all. They at least didn't get the worst revenue off all 3 manufacturers because that would have been some bad news. I assume that everyone agrees that less revenue means a smaller chance of profit right?

One thing is for sure, Nintendo made the most profit lately and I just wonder who made a bigger loss this year, Sony or Microsoft... Gentlemen, place your bets!

Edit: can we ban Parokki for insulting people with a different opinion and having the guts to even get them banned for it? I am not seriously trying to get him banned, just kicking him in the nuts. He should respect people with a different opinion and in all honesty, Ninty did get it's ass kicked by Sony in the last 2 generations. No reason to request a ban.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979