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blkfish92 said:
Hooray? No more cops patting people's bulges?

That's the front of it, but the results can be much deeper. The TSA infringes on the rights of privacy and travel, and states' rights. IF Alaskan/Texan lawmakers stick to their guns (and it's a big if), it could set a massive precedent for states denouncing federal laws, etc.

The Feds are playing a dirty game. They know that they're subverting the Constitution, and they're doing everything to keep it going. When it comes to the TSA, the Feds even threatened to impose a no-fly zone over Texas if they passed a bill blocking the TSA. With the Patriot Act, the Feds actually often end up dropping cases, or not appealing results, if they fear that the Judge will challenge the constitutionality of the Act.

IF the States can call the Fed's bluff, pass these laws, and take it on the Supreme Court (if necessary), then the White House/Congress will suffer a humiliating defeat, and it could encourage other States to pursue other rights that they've let be diminished (I'd love, for example, for one of the liberal states to challenge DOMA at the Supreme Court).