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Allfreedom99 said:
Kasz216 said:

For what it's worth, hope he meant Theodore.

FDR was stealthy one of the worst presidents the country has ever had.


We're talking about a guy who jailed completely innocent people without trial, because they overheard that he was speicifically planning to do the exact opposite of what he was saying publically, by forcing the country into an unpopular foreign war.

It all worked out in the end, WW2 wise, but anyone with any real reasearch into his presidency would have to be one of those "The ends justify the means" type.

FDR more or less was a more extreme version of Bush.  It's just his war panned out.

I would agree with you on FDR. I always hear people talk about how great he was, but most people don't really actually study everything he did as president. Thats why when any politician says, one of their favorite presidents was FDR, a huge red flag goes up for me, because if they are supposedly a studied individual they should know full well who FDR really was and what he did.

It seems like most histroy books within the last handful of decades all paint a rosie picture of him without giving all the facts.

That's because most books are written by fans of history.  I mean imagine being a historian of FDR.  To want to do that, chances are you had to of loved FDR from a young age.

Which makes overlooking his mistakes a lot eaiser, and conversley effects the way the books you write come out.  More subconsiously then anything.

Every once in a while you'll get a rogue history book about an individual, but they're rare.


When it comes to a list of horrible things presidents have done... FDR's would stand toe to toe with just about anyones.  Let alone the stuff he didn't get away with, like the President's ability to promote as many supreme court justices as he wanted.   IE, whenever he didn't like a decision that was made, the president could just stack the deck until it came out how he wanted.