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Christhor said:

I just want to focus on those two points:

Just because the gameplay for certain games have been mostly unchanged, doesn't have to mean that they are outdated. Again, Mario Kart, those controlls work just as well now as they did back then. Twisted Metal 2's controlls? Those would be horrible by todays standards, because they are extremely clunky. There is a difference between being around for a long time and being outdated.

Example of controlls that don't work in todays gaming: The oldschool onrails shooters. These were loved back on the original Playstation, but by todays standards they would be horrible. Another example? Well, to take a more definite example: Metal Gear Solid. Do you have any idea what kind of outrage there would be if a new MGS game came out with the original controlls? Mario Kart still works perfectly.

Why is this even being argued. The controls are not the same. They're much tighter, feel better, are simpler, and do more, as I illustrated.

Also, for the bet, a 5$ steam/vc/etc game?